Libro Impreso -  TPM Reoladed

Libro Impreso - TPM Reoladed

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This is a challenging, innovative, and timely new look at implementing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) by one of the field's leading trainers and authors. The book takes into account the economic upheavals of recent years and demonstrates that TPM is less about moving maintenance tasks to operations than moving accountability for aggregate output of the plant to operators. The author goes on to show that effective TPM - TPM reloaded -- requires a radical difference in management's view of the worker and even tougher, a radical change in the way workers view their own role.   

This is a challenging, innovative, and timely new look at implementing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) by one of the field's leading trainers and authors. The book takes into account the economic upheavals of recent years and demonstrates that TPM is less about moving maintenance tasks to operations than moving accountability for aggregate output of the plant to operators. The author goes on to show that effective TPM - TPM reloaded -- requires a radical difference in management's view of the worker and even tougher, a radical change in the way workers view their own role. 
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