Libro Impreso -  People: A Reliability Succes Story

Libro Impreso - People: A Reliability Succes Story

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It didn t take long for me to realize that we couldn t carry on as we were we needed to change something if the mill was going to survive but the questions were what and how? We had to learn on our feet and we had to find the talents and skills we needed. What became apparent immediately was that whatever it was we wanted to do, it involved people and that was a different challenge to anything I had experienced before. Along the way I learned how to bring on board those that didn t believe, encourage and support those that did and eventually celebrate the success with all. The story of our journey is one made up of the journeys of the individuals and highlights the need for involvement and engagement in order to succeed. Along the way, we took risks, made leaps of faith but always believed in our path the rewards more than justified our exploits. Bob Edwards inherited a totally reactive maintenance group and he d been asked to make the plant more reliable. Join him as he moves towards World Class, using the best tools available to him people. In this book, you will learn how empowering and engaging garners the collective strength and how listening becomes a key skill.
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